Catalogue Services For Walmart

Drive more sales with Walmart Marketplace

Get your products in front of millions of new shoppers with Digi Commerce World and Walmart.


Expand your reach

Tap into one of the world’s largest marketplaces and find new customers. Connect your Digi Commerce World catalogue and share your products with 120 million unique visitors each month.


Sell with confidence

Walmart Marketplace is selective by design. Once approved, you’ll join a curated community of respected sellers dedicated to offering top-quality products and best-in-class customer service.


Centralize management

Optimize sales on Walmart while managing transactions centrally. Digi Commerce World automatically keeps your products synced with, making it easy to track products, orders, inventory, and fulfillment from one place.

Collage Device Laptop Product Catalog Product Shoes Bigcommerce Walmart

“With Digi Commerce World, we were able to offer our entire product catalog on Walmart Marketplace in a matter of days. Even better, selling through this additional channel requires no ongoing maintenance from our team, which frees us up to focus on building the best essentials shopping experience for our customers while growing Walmart sales 300% year over year.”